
Showing posts from November, 2021

Week # 11

What is your attitude toward money? My attitude towards money has changed as my circumstances have changed. When I was young, Money was a means for me to have fun and more money usually meant more fun and more fun things. When I moved away from my house, It had less to do with fun and more to do with a necessity to keep the lights on and food in my mouth.  The biggest change in my attitude towards money happened when I got married and had kids. Once I was married it was "Our Money" and we have always had this attitude in our household, regardless of if one person was not working or not. I think in this way money became something sacred. We only spend it on what we need and plan it out because it's so vital to our family unit's existence. Expensive items are never purchased without approval from my spouse and we find most our our "fun money" goes towards our children's entertainment. If I had to put a word to our family's attitude of money, It's s

Week #9

  Week #9 Lessons Learned In the Letter to Garcia, it said to execute means to take a task and do it without pushing back, making excuses, or finding a way to do it quickly and sloppily. It means a good attitude and a resolving “Yes, I will do that” attitude. This made me think of Nephi and his “go and do attitude”. James Ritchie also spoke about someone from the Book of Mormon this week and I really enjoyed the way he compared the characteristics exhibited by Captain Moroni to essentially a Level 4 leader (I don’t think he ever said level 4 specifically, but he hit all the points for sure).  I spent a lot of time this week contemplating the concepts from Good to Best but if I had to pick one principle that hit me the hardest it was getting the right people on the bus. I’ve been in organizations that hire traditionally and it almost always results in people just doing the bare minimum. I’ve also personally been the guy who’s invested in the success of the company and as a result was ab

Week #8

  Lessons Learned The 5 whys had some really great advice for anyone with a future in management. I really liked the idea of approaching just a small part of the problem instead of potentially wasting resources on each whys. I would assume after enough time having to work on the issue, people will want to resolve it 100% so it no longer gums up the process. David Carrington said some really great stuff about his website that really resonated with me. David decided to not take advantage of Dale Earnhardt's family’s loss. I think it’s important to take a look at how we determine price sometimes and do what’s right over what we can get away with. I do this with my own business at large events by not increasing the costs of my goods beyond what I would normally sell them at and as a result, see more business than my competitors.  In “You can do anything” the speaker pointed out that Nephi’s brothers were always saying he couldn’t do the thing the lord needed him to do. There are enough