Week #9


Week #9

Lessons Learned

In the Letter to Garcia, it said to execute means to take a task and do it without pushing back, making excuses, or finding a way to do it quickly and sloppily. It means a good attitude and a resolving “Yes, I will do that” attitude. This made me think of Nephi and his “go and do attitude”. James Ritchie also spoke about someone from the Book of Mormon this week and I really enjoyed the way he compared the characteristics exhibited by Captain Moroni to essentially a Level 4 leader (I don’t think he ever said level 4 specifically, but he hit all the points for sure). 

I spent a lot of time this week contemplating the concepts from Good to Best but if I had to pick one principle that hit me the hardest it was getting the right people on the bus. I’ve been in organizations that hire traditionally and it almost always results in people just doing the bare minimum. I’ve also personally been the guy who’s invested in the success of the company and as a result was able to have an impact in several areas of the company, not just the one I started at. I think this principle applies to us as potential employees and as future entrepreneurs. You can be this type of person.

The final concept that I have been pondering this week came from Guy Kuwalski when he said to be trusted you need to be trustworthy. I never really considered how each interaction we have with customers is a chance to trust them to trust us. This is similar to the concept of Love in the Doctrine and Covenants when it says “We love him because he loved us first”

Personal Thoughts & Impressions

I thought it was interesting that the video with Frank Levinson this week was called “hire ethical people” because the video pointed out he really means people with high moral character. Ethics usually concern character while Morals are more “What’s right or wrong” Ethics tend to surround social norms. For example, it’s considered ethically alright to engage in physical intimacy prior to marriage but morally we know in the church this is wrong. Hiring ethical people is good, but hiring people with high morals almost guarantees you will have people who care about the greater good and will do the right thing regardless of what others in the industry deem as acceptable. The ultimate guide/answer from Frank is “just hire nice people” and although that may be easier said than done, It’s some pretty solid advice.


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