Week 4


Lessons Learned

The most valuable thing I took home from this week was the Vinn Diagram in the “do what you love” video presentation. My wife and I have talked about the topic of “what your ideal job is” many times and it’s something I think we differ on opinion with. I’ve told her it’s more about finding what you enjoy enough vs doing what you love. The Diagram does a great job explaining it’s about finding the right mix of what you like, what you were born to do, and ultimately what people will pay you to do. The who around us is also important since you could be in the world’s best job but surrounded by the worst people and you would likely be worse off than being in a job you hate surrounded by the best people. 

Lessons Not Yet Learned

I’m still working on the Core Values. Even after our assignment, I think I have an area to improve on in this category. I do enjoy the way Jim Ritchie describes this in his book though and find his videos extremely helpful. He reminds me of Steven Covey in his old 7 habits videos.

Personal Thoughts & Impressions

I connected to the person in the video about Effective Choices, Not Longer Days. I’ve worked jobs that took me away from my family and I always felt like I was just working hard and not working as efficiently as I could. In those situations, I think I let my employer dictate and judge the time I put into my job and as a result worked a lot more than I really needed to. The result wasn’t any better than if I had worked a normal work week, especially since I lost valuable time with my children and spouse.


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