Week 02


Lessons Learned

This week the concept of finding your calling really hit hard for me. As I began reading Launching Leaders and read “What’s your calling” something that I couldn’t stop thinking about was how we define ourselves. I know a lot of people who really define themselves by their jobs. As I read Steven Hiz’s experience being voted out of his position in a company he spent over 2 decades building from the ground up it made me think about where I spend my time and what things I might consider my calling in life.

I’ve always been aware of the time we spend working in life. Statistically, it makes up over ⅓ of our entire life, and that’s if you’re lucky. I’ve worked jobs where I poured my heart and soul into the role and been promoted and lost time with my family, lost service opportunities and when It was time to leave or in some cases, when I was let go, all I had to show for it was lost time.

These things just really helped me understand how important finding your calling is so regardless of what happens in your job, you can still feel happy about who you are at the end of the day. 

Lessons Not Yet Learned

Even though our lesson was on the stepping stones, I’m still struggling with this concept and I had a similar concern last month. The bucket list exercise was helpful in taking big goals and breaking them up into smaller stepping stones. I just have a hard time understanding what my “Star” is in this exercise. 

Personal Thoughts & Impressions

Bruce R McConkie once said that all the gifts of the spirit are available to all who actively study the gift, humble themselves in prayer and ask for the gift and if it’s the will of God they will receive it. I’ve personally witnessed this but the same holds true for gifts freely given to us. I love talking to people and making them happy. The gift though, for me is sort of the “Gift of Gab”. I’m really observant and actively use my skills in observation to strengthen my relationships and connections with others. 


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