Week 01

Lessons Learned

Being faithful is good, but it’s better to be faithful and competent. There isn’t anything virtuous about walking through life ignorant of the things around you. Becoming the most competent disciples we can require us to academically avoid the path of least resistance. I’m not sure I agree with Elder Bednar’s thoughts on avoiding the “what do I need to do to get an A” since professional clients will give you the scope all the time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t exceed the expectations of the scope. 

Lessons Not Yet Learned

The “Stars and Stepping Stones” concept was a little confusing for me. I read over it a few times but what I originally saw as the end of the entrepreneurship journey seems more like a reflection on the path to get there. I will need to take a “step” back on this one a little and ponder on it through the next couple of days.

Personal Thoughts & Impressions

The videos this week really hit me personally as someone who already has a small passion business. The executive summary for “The start-up of you” mentioned that nothing is really certain and I have experienced that so many times in my mobile food business. I’ve had days that I thought were going to be big money days only to walk away at a loss because of some missing information from an event organizer. One thing that’s always helped me though is knowing Heavenly Father wants to see us win but that there is also a lot to learn from the loses and uncertainty is part of this mortal existence. 


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